Arts and literature celebrities

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Arts and literature celebrities

… On a pedestal, in a mess of hundreds crushed fragments, a box of pastel is open. It is from this friable substance that she makes her masterpieces.
Régis Saint Hélier in "Femmes d’aujourd’hui" magazine.

Petite Plaisance, January 21, 1975 :

You will understand my reactions, you who talks so well about the large void left by the death of Charlotte Musson
Letter from Marguerite Yourcenar to Jeanne Carayon, sent from Mount-Desert Island.
Jean Paulhan - Directeur de la Nouvelle Revue Française (NRF) - (...) Marguerite Yourcenar - Pastel Marguerite Cahun, peintre, condisciple de M. J. Carpentier aux Beaux Arts - (...)

2015 - 2024 Ⓒ Musée Elise Rieuf - Massiac
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