Charlotte Musson (1903 - 1974)

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Charlotte Musson (1903 - 1974)

«Her workshop, between faubourg Montmartre and boulevard de Strasbourg, inserts amongst the button makers and the fabric tradesmen - the district masters - a kind of “Pantheon in pastel” (…). The faces she has modeled present common features : eyes with an inner sight or looking beyond things and people ; lips chiseled by the taste for the right word or the elegant sentence ; chins polished by meditation or luxuriant beards curling around the tip of fingers (this is how wise men tame the serpents of science) - such are the qualities that tempted the artist. »

« Intelligence ages well », she says.« At 70, Colette’s eye was glowing with relish. »

Article de Babette Rolin dans Beaux Arts Bruxelles 7-12-62.

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