Marguerite Jeanne Carpentier (1886 - 1965)

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Marguerite Jeanne Carpentier (1886 - 1965)

I am definitely slow-minded, prone to deep emotions that do not get along with time – taken in the sense of duration. Now I know how to divide myself, as much as can be, both as a sociable person and a business woman. I do not neglect the needs of my body and my entertainment anymore. And I listen to the din of the deep water roaring inside me, willing to resurrect as a large river.
Diary - November 1940
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First of all, I am a voluptuous artist.
Diary - July 1938
Oh, to be able to create for myself, protected by a patron who would carry out the solitary splendour dreamt by the great Romantics, Northbound dream moved by ancient Greece remembrance : to ally plastic beauty and Latin limpidity – I mean distaste for impotent confusion - to the mystery of the tragic sense of the North. What a dream!
Diary - Introduction - 1930
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